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Bat survey Staffordshire, Herefordshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Cheshire, Cotswolds

National Ecologists

We are an ecological consultancy with a wide range of clients. They include small-scale developers who require ecology reports to support planning applications for projects such as barn conversions and building restoration, as well as those involved with large corporate schemes, including road and rail construction. Our approach is to deliver a professional service that will minimise delays to development caused by ecological constraints.

Staffordshire  I  Cotswolds  I  Herefordshire  I  Derbyshire  I  Nottinghamshire  I  Leicestershire  I  Cheshire



We will undertake protected species surveys for you, including bat surveys, great crested newt surveys, barn owl surveys, dormouse surveys, reptile surveys and more...

European Protected Species Licence Applications for bats and great crested newt in Staffordshire, Herefordshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Cheshire


Whether you've used us for your initial protected species surveys or not, we will prepare the mitigation licence to enable your development to legally proceed.





We will provide you with Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) support no matter how large the scale. Our experienced team with relevant licences will be there



Why are we required?

Ecological surveys can be required by law for any development projects that involve natural habitats, agricultural and residential buildings where protected species may be present. 


Our Clients

We are highly experienced with working on both small and large projects. Our varied list of clients include private individuals, residential developers, commercial project management, architects, local planning authorities and educational facilities.

Registered office: 

Fauna Forest Ecology Limited

South View Bungalow, Cheadle Road, Oakamoor,

Staffordshire ST10 3AN.


Registered in England and Wales company number: 10184201

VAT registration number: 284024905

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