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Bat survey Staffordshire, Herefordshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire, Cheshire, Cotswolds

Our Services

If you're going through the planning process, the local planning authority (LPA) may have asked for a protected species survey. This request may differ from site to site for a number of reasons. For example, you may have been specifically asked for a bat survey if the LPA feel that no other protected species are likely to be impacted by the proposals. In other circumstances, you may be asked for a protected species survey to cover all wildlife, in which case the ecologist will assess each site for for its value to a variety of wildlife species.

Bat Surveys


We hold bat survey licences for England, Scotland and Wales. If you have been asked  for a bat survey to support your development, we will help you with the preliminary assessment and any additional follow-up surveys that may be required.


Bat Mitigation and Licencing 

Our bat mitigation design strategies are created with a view to provide both adequate and proportionate measures so that minimal impact is caused to bats and the developer. 


Our specialist team are experienced with all aspects of bat mitigation and compensation and can assist you with any licensing requirements to ensure legal compliance and help discharge any relevant planning conditions.

Bat Surveys Staffordshire, Herefordshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire
 Crested Newt Surveys Staffordshire, Herefordshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire

Great Crested Newt Surveys


We hold great crested newt survey licences for England, Scotland and Wales. We can undertake great crested newt habitat assessments, calculate Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) scoring, complete rapid risk assessments and undertake all necessary surveys to help your development pass ecological hurdles. 


Aquatic survey methods include egg-searching, spot-light searching, net sweeping and deployment of bolt traps to capture individuals.


Great Crested Newt Mitigation and Licencing

In addition to field surveys, our specialist team are experienced with all aspects of great crested newt mitigation and compensation and can assist you with any licensing requirements to ensure legal compliance and help discharge any relevant planning conditions.

Bird Surveys


Our experienced team have extensive ornithology survey experience. We are able to undertake the following surveys:


  • Breeding bird surveys

  • Common Bird Census including territory mapping

  • Schedule 1 species surveys for black redstart

  • Schedule 1 species surveys for peregrine falcon

  • Schedule 1 species surveys for barn owl

  • Flight line survey (vantage point) for wind farm appraisals

  • Coastal ornithological monitoring (both long and short term)

  • Woodland bird surveys

  • Nest boxes for willow tits

  • Farmland bird surveys

  • Mapping and transect surveys


We can supply a number of different types of bird boxes, including barn owl nest boxes.

Bird Surveys Staffordshire, Herefordshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire
Reptile Surveys Staffordshire, Herefordshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire

Reptile Surveys


We have undertaken reptile surveys in conjunction with a number of large schemes, some of which were in support of housing development projects, others for rail and road projects. We have also supported local councils with a view to promote better habitat management for Britain's sensitive reptile species such as the adder, smooth snake and sand lizard, for which we hold survey licences for.



Our team of herpetologists have extensive field experience with venomous snakes, both in the UK and abroad. Survey methods involve preliminary site visits to assess habitat suitability, and presence / absence surveys which are carried out using a mix of transect surveys and refuge. They are also experienced in mitigation and compensation design, as well as habitat creation.

Other Mammal Surveys


As increasing urban development encroaches on habitats used by badger, dormouse, otter and water vole, there is very often a need for consideration during surveys. Methods range from preliminary site assessments to determine habitat suitability, remote surveillance and trappings.


We can obtain the necessary licences required for sett-closures (badgers) and help with mitigation and compensation design strategies.

Mammal Surveys Staffordshire, Herefordshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire
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